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Shedding Postpartum Weight: A Biohacking Mum's Guide to Reclaiming Health and Vitality

Jul 30

3 min read




Embarking on motherhood is a transformation filled with joy but often accompanied by unexpected challenges. As a new mother, I found myself grappling with extra weight, dwindling self-esteem, chronic stress, and a profound identity crisis. Amid sleepless nights and the emotional toll of motherhood, those stubborn kilos clung to me persistently.

In search of a starting point amidst this turmoil, I turned to my diet, and the first step was to embrace the mantra to treat my body like a temple, not a trash can. This was about profound transformation, not quick fixes, using the power of biohacking—a science I soaked up as fervently as my once-beloved oatmilk cappuccinos.

Here's just before I started my biohacking journey - April 2023...

... and after 1.5 years of experimenting with my diet (and recently - workouts, but that's story for another post!)

Before delving into specific strategies, it's crucial to note that alongside cutting out processed foods and seed oils, there were foundational changes that revolutionized my approach to eating.

Here's Top Things That Worked: My Biohacking Nutrition Journey

Through my journey, I discovered that sustainable weight loss and wellness start with what we put on our plates. Here are couple of key strategies that helped me shed 14 kilograms in just 8 months and brought vital energy back into my life:

1. Protein-Packed Breakfasts:

Begin the day with power. Integrating protein-rich foods like eggs, sardines or even a steak (who said some foods are only for breakfast while others for lunch?!) into my morning routine not only kickstarted my metabolism but also kept me satiated, reducing mid-morning snack cravings. For my 2.5-year-old, this meant delicious runny eggs that he loves to crack himself and smoked salmon that he gobbles up, or an omelet paired with raw full-fat raw yogurt and blueberries—nutritious and kid-approved!

2. Healthy Fats Are Your Friends:

Embrace fats that heal. Including avocados, nuts, coconut milk, unpasturized butter, and extra-virgin olive oil (that my family drinks in cups not spoons anymore) in our diet provided the essential fats our bodies need to fuel brain function and balance hormones. These healthy fats became a staple in our family meals, enhancing flavor and nutrition.

3. Hydration with a Twist:

Upgrade your water. Enhancing hydration by adding minerals to clean, filtered water helped to flush toxins from our bodies and support overall cellular function. This simple change was easy to implement for the whole family, improving our overall hydration.

4. Cutting Out Anti-Nutrients:

Focus on nourishing foods. Reducing intake of anti-nutrients found in grains and some legumes improved nutrient absorption and gut health, which was crucial not just for me but for my toddler's development as well.

The Family Ripple Effect

These dietary changes did more than reduce the number on the scale; they revitalized our family’s energy levels, making us all more active and present. It was a testament to the fact that when you fuel your body right, it returns the favor tenfold, benefiting everyone under the roof.

Want More In-Depth Guidance?

If these insights intrigue you and you're eager to dive deeper into biohacking your nutrition, check out my eBook, "Mum’s Mojo Revival: Biohacking Nutrition." This guide is packed with accessible, effective nutritional strategies tailored specifically for busy moms looking to reclaim their health and vitality.

My journey taught me that dealing with weight is only part of the puzzle. The other parts—mindset, sleep, movement and managing stress—are stories for another day. But today, we start with nutrition because it’s the foundation upon which we can rebuild and rejuvenate ourselves.

Whether you're battling low self-esteem, feeling lost in your new identity as a mom, or just tired of feeling tired all the time, remember: the journey to wellness begins with a single, mindful step. Let's take that step together.

Jul 30

3 min read





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